Depending on customer type and overall needs and on Channel Partner staffing availability and domain expertise, various services may be offered to the end-user of the software. Any combination of services, at any frequency desired by the customer may be provided by the Channel Partner. Value-added services include, but are not limited to the following:
Model Maintenance – once the machine-learning models are built, checked for quality assurance, and used to detect anomalies, they still require periodic review to ensure performance. Channel Partners may choose to offer review, and provide retraining and input modification, as required.
Alert Screening – once implemented, Atonix Digital’s products will start generating alerts. Channel Partner may choose to screen alerts monthly, weekly, or in real-time for concerning deviations from predicted value.
Diagnose Alerts – when alerts are screened and flagged as concerning, additional steps are required to provide context to the alert, offer root-cause analysis, and ultimately escalate the alert to customer operations team for resolution.
Issue Resolution – once escalated to the customer operations team, Channel Partners may actively manage resolution of issues, estimate weighted cost of issues, and help prioritize maintenance tasks.